We are excited about the blessings of singing and listening to decidedly Godly music. There is a growing trend of people who are realizing the real value of pure, decidedly Godly music in the church and in the home; music that is not tainted with the music styles that have been used to worship Satan.
Our God is a musical God. He enjoys singing (Zeph. 3:17) and listening to singing and music. Music existed before the world began, and Heaven in eternity future will be filled with music. Music has always had an important part in the Church’s worship of God. If only words were important in worship, why have music? Why not read poems? The reason is that God loves music. He enjoys hearing us sing. Music is an essential part of worship.
Are you looking for something more than just the same old concepts, interpretations, explanations, and perspectives you have heard regurgitated over and over again? This website will give you some new insights and things to think about. You may not agree with everything you read, but Biblical Research Reports will stimulate your thinking. Our goal is to help you to formulate in your own mind what is Jesus’ truth as you look at the research we share on the various subjects facing the Church.
Godly music is more than an issue about what one likes or dislikes. The real question about Christian music is not what do people like, but does God enjoy our music, or is it noise to Him?
Did you realize that in the Bible music without any words was used to either bring down the power of God or to chase away evil spirits? Music speaks in the spirit realm!
11 Kings 3-.14-15 Elisha asked for a harpist. “While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha.” God revealed His message. (Music alone without words)
I Sam. 10:5-7 A procession of prophets had musical instruments being played in front of them, and they were prophesying. When Saul met them the Spirit of the Lord came on him in power, and he also prophesied. (Music alone without words)
I Sam. 16:14-23 We find an evil spirit responding (fleeing) when David played the harp. (Music alone without words)
Is. 30:31,32 It says that every stroke that God lays on Assyria in battle will be to the music of tambourines and harps. (This is referring to music alone without words.)
Other references where God acted in response to music:
11 Chron. 5:11-14; 11 Chron. 20:15-32; Judges 7:22; Acts 16:25-25
The thing that is inappropriate about using a rock beat in Christian songs is that the rock beat has been and is used in the worship of Satan. There are a number of people who have come out of the occult and have testified to this. In addition there are many secular rock songs that glorify Satan and his agenda. This fact places the rock beat in a different category than just borrowing music from secular society. Because music without words communicates as a language in the spirit realm, music that communicates to Satan and demons can not be made to worship Jesus by adding Godly words to it. The spirit language is communicating to Satan and the human language is disguising the one who is receiving the worship. It is literary a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We must not take music that is used to worship Satan and anger God by trying to worship Him with it.
We used to believe that music was amoral. However, when we realized that music speaks to the spirit realm we did a 180 degree turn. To us it was then no question about whether the rock beat was good or bad.
One of the blessings of decidedly Godly music in the home is that it has a calming affect on the children and home atmosphere. For other blessings of decidedly Godly music see the page “Music for Children.“
We encourage you to raise the standard and provide decidedly Godly music for your family — music that is without question Godly music. Earthly entertainment is for a moment; eternity is forever.
Why Biblical Research Reports uses the KJV
When I started in-depth Bible research, I was using the NIV translation. I was not prepared for the deception and misguiding information that I found coming from Christian scholars. I did extensive research into Bible translations and into the Greek manuscripts themselves that the various versions are translated from.
I soon realized that the most significant subject facing the Church today is the Bible, what version is used and preached from, the Greek text it is translated from, and the way it is translated. Every Christian doctrine is based on the Bible. The way the Bible reads, the words that it has and the words that it does not have, the way the Greek words are translated or poorly translated, all affect the beliefs and teachings of the Church. At one point I thought that most translations of the Bible were basically the same except for the modernization of the old English in the KJV. This is not the case. Most of the modern translations do not have everything that the KJV does, as a result of changes in the Greek texts from which they are translated. In addition, significant changes have to be made in each new Bible version in order to copyright it. As a result of that research, I switched to the KJV. To read more about my Bible translation research check out these Research Reports:
Evidence the NIV is Not the Best Bible Translation
Evidence the NIV is not the best Bible translation (Condensed)
What is the Best Bible Translation?
I highly recommend the powerful, Free E-Sword Bible program for your computer, cell phone or other mobile device. Make sure you also download the free Treasury of Scripture Knowledge – cross references for each Bible verse to other verses on the same subject. For a cross reference database that is much larger and more complete consider purchasing The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury (in the dictionary category).