Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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The Most Important Biblical Research Reports

There is a lot of information on the Biblical Research Reports website and it can be easy to miss some of the more important things. This page gives you a brief description of some of the more important Biblical research reports so that you can know where to start reading.

What Version of the Bible to use.

Words matter and their meaning matters. The multitude of Bible translations with their many different wordings has resulted directly and subconsciously in a confusion of what really is truth. A person or a church can pick and chose the meanings that they like best, only they really can’t from God’s perspective.

Most of the modern translations, while implying that they have been translated from the best and oldest manuscripts have actually been translated from a modern Greek text that never existed before. There are many words, phrases, and entire verses that have been removed from the Bible in these modern translations.

A good place to start is with the research report: Evidence the NIV is not the best Bible translation (Condensed). If you want more detailed evidence read the full report: Evidence the NIV is not the best Bible translation

For a broader perspective of Bible translations read the research report: What is the best Bible translation?

The Old Testament – How much applies to Christians?

Our Bibles contain the instructions for two different religions. The Old Testament tells one how to practice the Jewish religion and the New Testament teaches us how to follow the Christian faith. Having the instructions for both religions in the same book causes a lot of confusion for Christians. Many churches end up teaching a hybrid of the two religions instead of following Christ alone.

The distinguishing set of commands that a group follows is what sets them apart as a denomination or as more liberal or more conservative. The result is that those who call themselves Christians are not speaking the same thing. They are not of one mind. It is as if the various denominations are following many different Christs, each “Jesus” having different and conflicting instructions.

The research report, The Old Testament Law – How much still applies? is an in-depth Bible study on what Jesus teaches us in the New Testament about the role of the Old Testament Law for Christians. One day each of us will stand before Jesus on Judgment Day and it is important to know beforehand exactly what in our lives Jesus will be judging, and what laws He will be using.

The Incredible Subject of Salvation

In the research report, A New Look at Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved, and Eternal Security, you will likely discover some interesting insights that you have never heard before. This report looks at 14 important aspects or “puzzle pieces” of salvation that all need to be understood as a whole to understand the complete picture of what Salvation really is.

It is amazing how much that is written and believed about salvation is based upon theology rather than the Bible. The educated mind has been taught to look at the subject of salvation from the perspective of theology and the reasoning of the human mind, rather than study the entire Bible to find out what it says.

Salvation is a very important subject to understand correctly. A person’s view and understanding of salvation, once saved always saved, and the eternal security of the believer affects their understanding of every other aspect of the Christian life. It influences how a person interprets Scripture.

God’s Commands in the New Testament

The commands that Jesus gives to us throughout the New Testament instruct us in how to live the Christian life. They define for us what sin is, and what disobedience to God is. They tell us what is right and wrong. They tell us what God wants us to do to show our love for Him. God’s commands in the New Testament define for us in many cases What Would Jesus Do (WWJD).

I recommend that you start with: God’s Commands in the New Testament in Subject Categories

You can also view the entire list in chronological order: List of Commands in the New Testament

The Failure of Christian Conservatism

Many committed Christians view being conservative as an important part of what it means to be a true Christian and to be a true follower of Christ. Being conservative is perceived to be safe, right, Godly, and a superior way of life. However, Christian conservatism is not the answer. It is not as safe, right, and Godly as what it appears.

There are 18 chapters of a book that uses the Great Amish and Conservative Mennonite Dress Experiment as a case study to look at the failures of Christian conservatism and the type of mistakes that we as Christians need to avoid. We also look at what we need to do to truly follow Jesus.

Start with Chapter 1: Christian Conservatism is Not the Answer

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