Wednesday, February 19, 2025
What is truth? Church "A" says "X" is truth. Church "B" says the opposite is truth. Churches C, D, and E each have their own unique variation of truth. Satan has been very successful in deceiving many churches on what is truth. On Judgment Day, Jesus, NOT a church, will judge what is truth, what is your reward, and where you will spend Eternity - Heaven or Hell. This website is a resource to help you discern for yourself what is truth from God's perspective before Judgment Day.

God’s Judgment on America in Process for Over 60 Years

God's judgment upon America is in much the same way that He brought judgment upon Israel when they rejected...

Peace in the Old Testament

Yes you can go to the Old Testament to develop a theology of peace! The Old Testament has been a...

Christian Singleness – A Peek at God’s Perspective

We see things in our life from a narrow perspective, and it is often difficult for us to understand...

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Top 5

List of Commands in the New Testament

Christ’s Commands Teach Us How to Live the Christian Life This is a list of the commands that Jesus gives to us throughout the New...

College or Seminary Education is not Beneficial for Pastors

God is quite clear in many passages of Scripture,...

Tithing 10% Of Your Wages Is Not In The Bible!!

tithing or giving a tithe of 10% of your wages is not in the Bible and is not Biblical.

Preparing for the Future of the Church

A proposed change in the Spiritual education of children...

What is The Key for Lasting Spiritual Revival?

Spiritual revivals are often characterized by relatively short lived...

Totally Rethinking Church, Part 1: Stepping “Out of the Box”

(Note: The purpose of these articles on Totally Rethinking...

Totally Rethinking Church Part 2 – How To Feed People Spiritually

For many years, I felt like I was not...

Totally Rethinking Church Part 3 – A New Style of Church Leadership

The caring "pasture" shepherd pastor that is God's plan...

Don't Miss

Why is Important to Sing in Your House Church?

Singing is a very essential part of our worship of God and needs to be a part of every...



The Failure of Conservatism and the Answer


Lift Your Glad Voices! A Beautiful Easter Song

Happy Easter!  In honor of the wonderful resurrection of...

Why is Important to Sing in Your House Church?

Singing is a very essential part of our worship...

Why Sing and Listen to “Decidedly” Godly Music?

We are excited about the blessings of singing and...

Why it is Important for Children to Listen to Godly Music

It is important that children listen to and sing...

Music for Children – A Happy Child is a Singing Child

Children love music. A happy child is a singing...